I've been a bad Magnolia blogger lately - the reason being that I had to finish off my NVQ training and such a lot was going on at school as we approached the end of term. As our current theme was Seaside, I thought that my stamps were perfect to take into school and let the children use them on their Thank You cards! They had a FABULOUS time with them, and over the space of two weeks, I helped 60 Year 1 children make nearly 80 Thank You cards for their Reading Partners and Helpers. Lots of the children (boys as well as girls) loved them so much that they wanted to stamp out some of the images on seperate sheets of paper so that they could take them home and colour them in there. As a result, I had 3 Mums come to me to ask where they could get these stamps from and I was very happy to oblige and ordered them for them myself! It's so funny though - every house I've been in since the summer holiday started, has a card on it's mantlepiece with these images on!! My own son even brought one home, given to him by his Reading Partner!! LOL!
However I have caught up now and here are some more of my cards from the Summer 2008 collection. Thanks for popping in!!