Ooh, what a treat - some stamps, papers and embellies from the new
Fall Collection dropped through my door on Thursday and I have been having a fab play - here's what I came up with.
I didn't get many stamps to play with this time - just 5, but I do love the ones I did get. I haven't got a clue about the papers but they are all available in the
Magnolia shop. The tapestry stamps around Tilda are old one's from my own stash and the text stamp is my own that I made this morning just for these cards.

I love this kitty with it's back to us, and as soon as I stamped it, I just saw it sat on a windowsill looking at the moon, so that it what I have attempted to recreate here. The shelf is from the summer collection and the candy corns are rub-on's - again, the text is my own stamp.

This one is just soooo sweet - I think she's my favourite! I don't know if you can see the bottom of her dress or not but it's all sparkly because I used a tiny bit of irridescent glitter on it.
And finally - hmmm.... jury's still out on this one. You know when you have an idea and you go ahead with it and it's not quite how you imagined it was going to turn out? Well this is one of those times. I wanted to have a go at doing a pop-up card but I don't think I'll be doing very many more of them....! LOL!!!

I stamped the web and text with clear ink and dusted them with silver mica powder. It's tricky to see on photo's but it's really shimmery IRL. Tilda needed some grounding so I used some Flower Soft because I thought it looked like crunchy autumn leaves. Her trick or treat bag is a rub-on and again, the text is my own stamp.
Well that's all for now - I've used up all my DT papers so now I'm looking forward to having a play with some of my own! Thank You for popping in, and to those of you who have left comments, a huge cry of gratitude to you - it means such a lot!