Tracey is my lovely friend and colleague who I job-share with and she is sooooo girly and loves all the same things as me. At work we are both in "The Birthday Club" and I was tasked with getting Tracey a pressie. "Just get me a gift/book token" she said. So I did but isn't it dull just handing over a gift card? So I remembered these fab Gift Card holders that I made TONS of last Christmas because they're so quick and effective and make receiving the card a bit more exciting, and I made this one for Tracey
I also made her this little matchbox thingy. I've made one or two bigger ones using 12 or 24 matchboxes, but it never occurred to me to make one with just four until I saw the gorgeous one that Kim had made and I knew immediately that Tracey would just love one of these, and I was right. She was absolutely over the moon with it! Phew!

And I know I've already shown this on my other blog, it actually completes the set because this is the card that I made for her too. She was sooooooo complimentary about it and I'm so glad it went to such an appreciative home!
Well that's today's offering - hope you like them, and thank you so much for popping by! Have a wonderful day! :o) xx