Happy Sunday peeps! I have had the very good fortune to work with two wonderful student teachers this year, both of whom are going to go on and become fantastic teachers and although I'm going to miss them both so much next year, I wanted to wish them both loads of luck when they leave us next week....sob..sob...!! So I made a couple of Good Luck cards for them and decided to use blog challenges to help me! This week over at
Anything Goes they have set the theme of Buttons and Bows in Monochrome. Now, something I need to get off my chest.... I hate buttons! I passionately hate using buttons on my projects!!! I look at other people's cards and LO's and think "Oooh, that looks gorgeous" but when I try to use them......pants! grrr!
I came to make the brown tones card and I practically held my breath when I stuck the button on - I thought "There.... it's on - walk away...!" LOL!!! But when I came to do the blue tones card, I just couldn't bring myself to stick another button on - sorry - I faced my fears once, but I couldn't do it a second time! LOL!!!

So there y'go - two Good Luck cards for two lovely ladies - now, which one do I give to who???? LOL!
Have a great Sunday - hope the sun is shining where you are! :o) xx